Thursday, November 17, 2022

A party with friends in Magaluf





CA Couple said...

Wow, that looks like a fun night.
She is so cute!! Would love to see more like this!

CFNM Birthdaysuit said...

Looks like a fun party. My CFNM experiences have been in public places which I have put on my blog.

Anonymous said...

She's saying" My dear, now with your pants down you are erfetct for the party!"

Old School Fan said...

Hello CFNM Birthdaysuit,

I just became aware of your blog today, and have added it to the blogrolls found on my "CFNM and Other Delights" and "Classic Ladies" blogs.

Anonymous said...

My kind of party.
Would willingly strip naked for her anytime

IwouldCFNM4u said...

I like her./. Truly appreciate her CFNM./.

Anonymous said...

It looks like CFNM1976 has a 2nd blogger account. Is he now going to inform us twice as often which girls he likes? SMDH