Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Women like to watch the rugby games !




Anonymous said...

Once more, these are stolen pics from another blog. It's usual here.

Anonymous said...

Lots of stuff on the internet is borrowed, stolen, then re-posted. So what is your point? If you want originality, upload some original CFNM yourself. We'd love to see it!

Anonymous said...

Hey Marie, do not care about these grumpy comments (of a courageous anonymous) about the fact that pics are supposedly "stolen"
The pics of the Nudedin rugby team are great. This is cfnm at his best: young guys nude in front of warmly dressed women of all ages attending the match for the only purppose of having a good view. Let's say it frankly: it is poor rugby, and nobody watch the match for the sake of sport! It is all about public male nudity. And if it is funny and special, it is only because of the female audience.
One can notice on the pics that the female are more smily than men. You can see on their face a mix of confusion and guilty visual pleasure. What is at the same time unusual, exciting and funny? Nude men themselves, and particularly penis and satchels bouncing for every women to see.
Interviews about female interest in these matches would certainly be priceless ...

Anonymous said...

The third Anonymous (January 31 at 4:29 AM) is not more courageous than the first one (January 30 at 8:29 PM), ha ha ha. And the Anonymous between them should upload pictures in which he/she exposes his/her goods for all to see and enjoy. We all would love it!!

Marie said...

The subject of this blog is cfnm in all its forms and ways.
So pics and news from any source are collected and published,
whatever the source.
Pics from Internet, media, photographers, sent by blog's readers,as well as of myself are included.
Pics of professional photographers or other known authors generally show the source, like in this case. So no way stolen photos, but simply photos of third parties, showing the source!

Anyway no one is obliged to visit blogs he does not like!


Anonymous said...

A crowd of women looking at the naked rugby players!

Anonymous said...

Yes wonderful. Love public acknowledged male nudity as it makes it so acceptable and you feel validated.


Anonymous said...

All co-ed sports should be played this way!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to play tennis with a clothed girl. I,'d play, of course, totally naked. She'd love to see my dick bouncing freely and I'd have a huge boner. I'd ask her permission politely to jack off my erect penis and relieve myself. I'd do it in front of her if she ordered me.