Sunday, February 15, 2015

Barcelona beach is one of the best for Cfnm


Jocelyn said...

A win-win situation for sure. He gets to experience the typically male pleasure of going about completely nude at the beach, while she can compare and contrast his cock and balls with those of the many, many other naked men. I know it's unfair boys. Kisses. XOXO

Anonymous said...

It' not unfair at all. You are very wrong. It would be unfair if those men were forced to go about naked but It' s NOT the case, cause they go naked just because they feel like it, strictly, NEVER for hardly any pervert witch's entertainment. This is my opinión about this subject.

Anonymous said...

Not that there is anything wrong with any 'pervert witch' enjoying the male nudity (unfair or not).


Anonymous said...

The males also enjoy the female nudity...