Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Phone bikini pic

She's not happy he's wearing her bikini, why?


Anonymous said...

The girl caught her boyfriend tryng her bikini on on the sly, and she got mad. So she forced him to wear her bikini all the day, but with his penis hanging out. She called some girlfriends of her to spend the day with them... I don't think he will try any item of clothing of her girlfriend stealthily again...

Marie said...

Interesting explanation of the pic!

Anonymous said...

Thank you. :)

Anonymous said...

he thought he'd surprise her with new swimwear...but was unsure what size she wore...she was disappointed...she proved what he bought was too small by having HIM try it on...he tried to make her feel better by letting his dick dangle from the teeny tiny bikini bottom...however she was not amused...he apologized...they kissed and made up...but retail store rules specify that swim suits cant be returned...if you tried them on without underwear...so he was out $24.99