Wednesday, November 04, 2015

2x1 what's situation?

1 dressed girl handling 2 naked guys:

a) is she the girfriend of the left guy, surprised she's grabbing another guy too?

b) is the the girlfriend of the right guy, suffering beacause she's handling another guy too?

c) is she the girlfriend of the right guy, and the left one is surprise beacause her boyfriend is letting her handling another guy too?

 b) is she only a friend of both guys?

(Remember to vote the TFNM-CFNM poll)


Noah Webster said...

"Hands-on" refers to human interaction, often with technology. It implies active participation in a direct and practical way.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a competition to see who cums first!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Is one of them Ron?

Shy Boy with a Small Penis said...

Is that you, Marie?

Anonymous said...

I'd bet that''s Beth.

Anonymous said...

Yes, one of them may be Ron, because he's got a huge dick. However, none of them may be Coleopter, because he's got it peanut-sized or even smaller.

Anonymous said...

Meaty, beaty, big and bouncy!

Anonymous said...

Her boyfriend is taking the pic!!

Anonymous said...

Cut and shaved - perfect!

Formerly CfnmFan said...

Men should give their wives the opportunity to enjoy a variety of cocks.