Sunday, March 27, 2016

Skinny dipping with friends ...

staying dressed on the river bank


Anonymous said...

She´s ugly as a sin.

Anonymous said...

His cock is not pleased to see her as well

coleopter said...

I totally disagree: she's an attractive young woman, and she's exercising her feminine prerogative: to maintain her modesty, and keep her femininity special. As for him, he seems a little bit embarrassed. But her warm encouragement will give him comfort.

Anonymous said...

That woman is very ugly

Anonymous said...

Coleopter is right.
Maybe the girl is not an amazing beauty, but the situation is anyway exciting ...
especially given that she smiles while he is embarrassed

Anonymous said...

Coleopter is always right. As is Jocelyn. Hmmm....

Anonymous said...

Anon at April 8, 2016 at 2:47 PM says that both Coleopter and Marie are always right. Also is known the fact that it´s necessary to say dumb people that they are always right. So, both Coleopter and Marie (besides of Beth, Jocelyn and some more bitches around here) ARE dumb people. Stop.