Thursday, May 19, 2016

I   n       b   e   d


Anonymous said...

Why is he covering his dick in sleep ?

Anonymous said...

He refuses (even asleep) to let his assets exposed. Clever guy!!!!

Anonymous said...

I meant:
He refuses (even asleep) to leave his assets exposed. Clever guy!!!

tim said...

He seems like one of the many men who sleep naked while their wives or girlfriends sleep clothed in some fashion. Must be very frustrating sexually for the man. After all most males when they strip naked in the bedroom are usually wanting sex but here the women just seem to want to sleep.

Rollins said...

This is something I do as a habit. Especially on weekends, when I sleep naked, I stay naked for a long time even the next day. My wife knows about cfnm and never forces me to dress.