Tuesday, November 15, 2016

"My darling, you don't have to wear swimsuit on the beach"



Anonymous said...

That´s right, he doesn´t need to go clothed at the beach. Nudity is his best "clothing".

Anonymous said...

Women more and more ask men to trim or shave in order to better expose their assets

Anonymous said...

More bikini girls and penises Marie!
Or...why not some NDOS pics? I reckon it would be so interesting.

Anonymous said...

what is NDOS ?

Jocelyn said...

Male swimwear is so-o-o-o-o unnecessary. Men need their freedom on the beach.

Anonymous said...

NDOS = Naked Dressed Opposite Situations. It´s situations in which both naked and dressed people are together interacting.
Jocelyn, I think that women also have the right of having their freedom on the beach. It´s good for the women´s health to go nude as much as possible.

Proud Servant said...

He's looking anxiously at his shorts, like he wants them back. Well, too bad, boy. She's taken them, and you're going to be naked for as long as she wants. He's starting to get hard, so his insecurity is mixed with arousal, which is most delightful to see. He mas as well try to get used to it, or at least accept it as his natural place.

I like it that she's wearing more that a swimsuit. It emphasizes the status difference between them. And I like seeing all those beach umbrellas so close by. This is not some isolated beach where they practice CFNM by themselves. There are multiple observers of his body, and his penis, and their relationship.

Very nice pic. Thank you, Marie.

Anonymous said...

Proud Servant, you´re a real bore, man...

Anonymous said...

By the way, Proud Servant, you are of that kind of pseudo-men that so much delight to that crappy bunch of beings called female chauvinist pigs... Keep on like that, man, and you´ll see it by yourself.

Anonymous said...

Porud servant, your comment is great!
I completely agree with you

coleopter said...

Well Jocelyn, some of us need some, er, support down there, if you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

Is Jocelyn "Wonder woman" or what?
Uuuuuuhhhh, it´s scary...

Anonymous said...

"By the way, Proud Servant, you are of that kind of pseudo-men that so much delight to that crappy bunch of beings called female chauvinist pigs... Keep on like that, man, and you´ll see it by yourself."

Anon, what are you even doing here if you don't have the same fetish he does? Most people here should be turned on by what he said.