Monday, November 21, 2016

Mount Olympus, theatre play

The scenes are from a play entitled Mount Olympus - To glorify the cult of tragedy. It was written and produced by Jan Fabre and his company Troubleyn and performed at Berliner Festspielehaus as part of the “Foreign Affairs” theatre festival on June 27-28, 2015. Both the performing cast and audience were male and female not leaning to either gender.
After a standing ovation, it's success has prompted it touring to other theaters.

In one of the best CFNM scene 8 cloth-covered tables appear with 7 male actors laying on them. The actors are stark naked from head to toe. Coming onto stage are about an equal number of beautiful female actresses, fully covered in togas. The lights are then brought to fuller intensity lighting up the state with much better clarity to allow the audience the ability to see the nude men in full detail. Carrying glass vessels of water, the females "baptize" the men's penises by sprinkling water on them. Then, the females begin to decorate the men's genitals by inserting laurel leaves the men's pubic hair or sticking them onto their penis heads or balls. You can even see the women holding the men's penises to reposition them for the ornamentation.



Anonymous said...

This practice means clearly the admiration, adoration, submission and envy from the women to the men´s phallus. It´s normal. It was, it is and it will be like this forevermore.

Anonymous said...

Cock worship

Anonymous said...

Very erotic! Ah, those were the days!

Proud Servant said...

What a surprise--this one is way beyond what we usually see here, in terms of scale, formality, and being done for a paying audience. Very impressive on all those counts. And yet, it doesn't move me. The women are tending to the men, adorning them. They're in a service role here. I prefer to see NM service CF. Oh, well.

Anonymous said...

I love it, and would love to see more of this.
Thanks for the pics and for your intro text Marie.
I would love to attend such shows with men nudity on stage, do you know where such things can be seen ? (theatre, dance, performances, etc)

Anonymous said...

Very nice. I'd like to get the video but the play lasts 24 hours (see here: Do you know when this moment happens (even approximately) ?