Wednesday, February 08, 2017

G r e a t     s e x     i s    c f n m    s e x


Anonymous said...

Happy photo..the girl is happy blowing a sexy dick and so is the guy

Anonymous said...

she is happy with that big cock

Anonymous said...

Whenever I have sex with my partner it is 100% CFNM. Sometimes she lets me see her breasts... only sometimes. But I've never seen her pussy. I'm also often naked around the house, often with a raging erection, but I've never seen her naked before.

Anonymous said...

I shouldn't say pussy. She's probably going to punish me now for even acknowledging she has one. It's part of our CFNM rules. I'm not even to so much as mention her parts, let along see them. A reference is just as bad. I have to basically pretend they don't exist. That makes her parts seem even more hidden than they already are just by her clothes. And having a strong erection from the amount of Viagra she gives me makes me seem even more naked and exposed.

Anonymous said...

I think I've even forgot what female genitals looks like. She doesn't let me watch any porn that isn't CFNM, TFNM, or non-CFNM porn that she's censored for me.

tim said...

I like the way your partner thinks. Sh'se right to keep you exposed all the time and not allow you to watch any stuff that isn't strictly CFNM. And so what if you get a ''raging erection'' bad! Just because you can't control your testosterone and male hormones that's no reason that she should be obliged to give you 'hand relief'. It's woman's world now not a man's.

Proud Servant said...

I love your narrative, Anonymous of the multiple comments. So do you service her sexually while blindfolded? Do you get to have an orgasm?

I have a dominant girlfriend. The first time she had me worship her breasts I was blindfolded. We practice BDSM. She's also a sadist. So she beat me, blindfolded me, and had me worship her breasts. Then she used a vibrator on herself. This was before she let me touch her pussy. She turned me over on my stomach and beat me some more with her crop. I could hear her pleasure moans rising, and eventually she came. Later she told me that it turned her on all the more to beat me. She used my pain as an erotic stimulus, to help her have an orgasm. That's what sadists do. I had never felt so thoroughly used as a sex toy.

Since then I have brought her to orgasm several times using my hands. She tells me that some day she'll have me lick her pussy, and hearing that excites me very much. She shows no interest in my penis. I don't know if I'll ever have an orgasm in her presence or not. It's up to her, and I'm fine with that.

Now, about this particular picture. Besides her wonderful smile, I really like the pose. He's naked and spread wide, and she's put her legs on top of his, holding him open. She's got his cock and his balls firmly in hand, and her smile tells us she's having a great time. I get the feeling they're a long way from done with this encounter, and it looks like they've been down this road many times before.

Great pic! Thank you, Marie.