Friday, February 24, 2017

Two white dicks for two black tits ... that's funny

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One thing I like about TFNM is that it's a kind of compromise. You can get some female nudity while still having it be CFNM. You can have you cake and eat it to.

Also, it seems to make the fact that the female genitals are concealed while the male genitals are fully exposed seem much more obvious. Somehow, it puts far more focus on the men's genitals than normal CFNM, probably because of the contrast. In normal CFNM the men look nakeder and more exposed because they're contrasted to a fully clothed women; in TFNM the men's genitals, specifically, look very exposed (even though the men look less naked than in CFNM as a whole) because they're contrasted to the women's covered genitals.