Monday, November 26, 2018

Chinese girls love Italian huge gun

Chinese boys went frustrated by their tiny cocks, the smallest in the world
Sorry guys, but your girls girls like more the Western huge cocks!
Moreover, Chinese males are too shy, maybe they have to go naked more often!!
Notwithstanding cock size, Asian guys have to show themselves naked to women ...
Maybe Chinese girls appreciate them a little more even if they have very poor assets

The comparison in the next pics do not need any comment ...









Anonymous said...

The Asian guys need to shave their pubes....the cock is not at all visible

Anonymous said...

People having fun.


Anonymous said...

I agree Chinese have to shave their hair, but dicks will be nayway not visible!

Anonymous said...

Whatever you have, it must be displayed without shame.


Anonymous said...

I like the pics best that show dicks with drawn back foreskins. The dick's owner seems extremely aroused! That's fun! said...

we italian have it bigger
trust me

Formerly CfnmFan said...

I totally agree, Chris!

Formerly CfnmFan said...

I love this series of photo's. Well done, Marie!

Anonymous said...

regardless of cock size it looks like all are having fun.

Anonymous said...

Real OK Cupid question.

Imagine that you live in a place where public nudity is not only legal, but also socially acceptable. Assuming that the climate is favorable, how often would you be totally naked in public?


Anonymous said...

>Real OK Cupid question
Probably 90% or so of men would go nude in public, 10% would not. Of the women, maybe 10% nude in public, another 30% would go topless, 60% would remained clothed at all times. CFNM would be the rule, not the exception.