Friday, January 18, 2019

Oblation run, girl happy to pose among a bunch of naked boys


Anonymous said...

Should be renamed to Peanut cock run

Anonymous said...

Small penis shaming qualifies as abuse.


Anonymous said...

To be fair, they're all bigger than me.

Dr. Doom said...


Anonymous said...

Agreed. Something folks have no control over(born with, may it be body, race or anyother) should not be used for shaming without consent.

Anonymous said...

Enough with peanut size cocks!

Anonymous said...

January 19, 2019 at 3:53 PM: Coleopter, I pressume...

Anonymous said...

well, she looks happy with all the cocks around her

Old School Fan said...

Agree with Anonymous @ 1/19 9:59PM

Let's not waste any more bandwidth with peanut-cock photos. (Yes, they have no control over their size, blah, blah, blah - No one wants to see those, though.)

And how about a moratorium on so many cocks with foreskin completely covering the heads? Aren't swollen cocks with visible heads the preferred show?

Anonymous said...

These Fillipino boys are all circumcised, but maybe the doctor took a little bit too much off of the top?

Anonymous said...

Agreed old Fan. I think the snipped variety are generally the preferred look for the ladies. Most Filipino boys are circumcised. I think it's called tuli and they all get done before puberty

Anonymous said...

Most of girl friends, need to have a photos with you and they will talk whose penis is who?