Thursday, January 24, 2019

Is she grabbing his balls or fingering his ass hole?


Old School Fan said...

I don't know, but can she do me next?

coleopter said...

Squeezing his testicles- man was for a woman made.
Vive la difference.

coleopter said...

It must be a source of mirth for girls that the source of a man’s muscles, his mustache, his machismo, and his deep he-man voice dangles between his legs in a delicate little dittybag, so efficient at amplifying a tweak into a shriek; )
God is a girl, and the male body was a mischievous little joke on her part.

Anonymous said...

she has the squeeze on his balls

Anonymous said...

I think it hurts!

B. Heinz said...

Wiping his stinky smelly butthole with toilet paper: "Next time wipe yourself properly after taking a shit!"

Old School Fan said...

B Heinz,

Thanks for that mental picture, Buzzkill!

Formerly CfnmFan said...

Very interesting statement. I never thought of it in that way before.