Tuesday, June 18, 2019

cfnm is a sort of religion ...


Anonymous said...

that is a different photo. looks like some kind of costume party

NudeVinzAtl said...

The perfect way to attend church.

Old School Fan said...

I'm as free-wheeling as the next guy (just see my 4 blogs), but this photo is in poor taste.

OF COURSE they are not real nuns - just ladies dressed as nuns for the shock value of standing with a naked guy. But, let's draw the good taste line somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Which one is Mother General? lol

Irish Cfnm model said...

This is me actually. It was taken at a hen party. I was the nude model :). Great to see it here

CFNM1976 said...

I would like it to be a religion. I know it has been a religious experience when I have had them.