Monday, May 18, 2020

She's happy to paint him, she's happy to watch at him!

His mother-in-law paints him everywhere, 
his wife looks at him so naked in public


Anonymous said...

The woman on the right wants to know where she can volunteer to be a painter of naked men!

Anonymous said...

He has such nice equipment! There appears to be some growth caused by the lady who is looking at will see bare, unpainted skin on his shaft...just behind his helmet. The artist is quite attractive and looks completely comfortable with the whole situation. "Well dear, I am off early to paint penises, see you this evening!"

Anonymous said...

I think the artist is extremely attractive, she could paint my cock, balls and anything else she wanted at any time!

Anonymous said...

both the women look very sexy I see why he is growing

CFNMBoy said...

I was in New York and saw this event. She is a tall pretty bond artist from Tennessee. She painted this short little circumcised man, and then she also painted a little uncircumcised man. I could not stop watching, she became very intimate with their private parts that day. She was not embarrassed at all to hold their penises and testicles so that she could get every inch of their genitals painted

Ricky said...

Were you not tempted to volunteer CFNMBoy I think I would have.

Anonymous said...

As a Woman it is Her right to touch his body as She wishes. She sees both the normality and the particularity of the naked male. Yes She missed a part of him and if told will I am sure get him to stand still as She holds his penis stretched out to feel the brush on that last place. Femsup

Anonymous said...

Femsup I like reading you comments. You can play guess what size hard dick he has with us, if you so wish. I guess this one at 18 cm


Anonymous said...

Oh my word Femsup I'm sure you have us all wondering.... That's the first blue willy I have ever seen, I will guess at 17 cm


Anonymous said...

Yes the more she paints it, the more she realises that she has missed a bit. Could go on for a long time. 16 cm. Carla x