Wednesday, November 11, 2020

A rugby team playing in an Asian country ...

Players traditionally celebrate naked, shocking the Vietnamese girls who look right there

Runinng with a strange open pant

his penis wobbles as he runs through a long line of girls

open mouths of the surprised girls

all the girls smile, perhaps embarrassed but look carefully at his cock out

she just watches his balls dancing on display


Dark Wolf said...

the one with braids... priceless

Anonymous said...

more integral nudity would be in order
- man without cloth

Anonymous said...

With so many lovely girls I would run completely naked!

Easton Fection said...

That one super-sexy girl on the left looks shocked and doesn't really know what to think. It's probably her first time seeing a set of white testicles

Anonymous said...

Sorry but some of the girls look quite young so not sure if this is really appropriate

Billy Graham Jr said...

Anonymous 1:04 PM Just shut your mouth, this is just nudity, there is no sexual contact, it does not matter what age they are. Besides that they look over 18 to me. Why is there always somebody that has to get preachy on a "porn" blog. go somewhere else

Anonymous said...

There's nothing "preachy" about it
If they are either too young or appear to be there is a problem.
There is a name for people who say age doesn't matter
Hoping that doesn't apply here

Jimbo said...

Nude is not lewd Anonymous. There are hundreds of images on this blog, and others, where the age of the girls is undetermined. They could be 16, they could be 26. You just cant tell these days. Anyway, as was said earlier there is no sexual contact, that is the difference. If you feel guilty about looking at these images you should not be here.

Anonymous said...

Using the argument
"You just can't tell these days" when it comes to age, might not be the best of defences!
No guilt on my part and definitely no apologies for pointing this out even if it makes anyone here uncomfortable

Anonymous said...

Your the only one here that is uncomfortable you "woke" piece of filth. Get out of here and go to a porn blog where everybody has signed waivers and shown proof of age

Anonymous said...

Calm down everybody.
We are all entitled to an opinion
and personal insults are unnecessary.
To be fair, calling out suspected under age boys or girls, on this, or any other site, should be everyones responsibility

Anonymous said...

To the sensitive snowflake that objected to these photos:

Everyone here is capable of looking away if they feel a subject is underage.

All you have done is possibly brought this (and by extension, all) blogs to the attention of the Google overlords, which can only mean bad news for all of us, if/when Google decides to prohibit nudity in these blogs.

Good job, twerp!

Anonymous said...

Has the "name caller" even thought of the wider implications:-
-the exploitation of underage girls for the gratification of the man in the photo and the online viewer
-potential repercussions for accessing such material and any site it is displayed on
This is not a matter for the "Google overlords" but for the appropriate authorities in the relevant countries
I'm sure there are sites out there if this is your fetish but be warned there may be consequences
Keep this site safe and age appropriate (ie adult participation for everyones enjoyment