Wednesday, April 14, 2021



Anonymous said...

It would be a lot better if the WNBR was the WNMBR and that it was only the males that were nude. They should have a party later where all the males remained nude all evening long and had to bring 3 or 4 female who of course would remain fully dressed with them to enter.

CFNM1976 said...


CFNM1976 said...

Of course everyday should be a CFNM day./. Happy CFNMing./.

CFNM1976 said...

Pics 2,3,4,and 5./. I like them the best./.

Old School Fan said...

These guys need to groom-up before going public.

Diana said...

The women always seem so very happy and excited when they are with nude men in public!

NudeVinzAtl said...

WCFNMBR, you took the words (letters?) right out of my mouth, CFNM1976!

CFNM1976 said...

We aim to please./. Happy CFNMing./.

Anonymous said...

Diana most women always seem to only want the males naked which is just fine with me. I also agree the WNBR should be the World Naked MALE bide ride.

The Nudist Exhibitionist said...

Seeing this has me so excited to do the WNBR again (hopefully) this year. First year i did it was completely CFNM but last year has a surprising amount of nude ladies. But frankly, being naked in the city is a massive CFNM moment when you're passing by tons of clothed ladies smiling and laughing and cheering.

Anonymous said...

WNBR my favourite type of CFNM! :)