Thursday, August 05, 2021

The right tandem dress code

1. the front seat is for naked males to better expose their assets

2. the rear seat is for their dressed female partner or friend



coleopter said...

Vive la différence.

CFNM1976 said...

It's a strong argument to go for a bike ride. So fellow CFNMers if you want this to be legal you need t start with changing the local dres code laws.

Anonymous said...

cela devrait remplacer le pass sanitaire

The Nudist Exhibitionist said...

Oh how I dream of being in a CFNM relationship like this. I would love to serve such a beautiful girl in this way. My clothes taken away at her discretion as I serve her, naked and on display in public. I imagine the sex after something like this is extraordinary.

Anonymous said...

Don't you think she should have a riding crop.