Thursday, August 19, 2021


a n d    l a d i e s     a p p r e c i a t e    t h e     s i g h t 

These women love the male akedness.

They are discussing about dicks, 

their sizes, colours, cut or uncut and how the balls are big or small, hanging, ...



CFNM1976 said...
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CFNM1976 said...

I love the one in the shorts and the black top./.

Anonymous said...

You just don't get the purpose of this blog, do you.

Anonymous said...

His comments are 95% trite, and 100% predictable.

Anonymous said...

This post is great, despite male nudity is not completely shown.
The three women smiing and taking pics of the naked man, surely see all ...
that's the true spirit of cfnm!!

CFNM1976 said...

I feel bad for you. So marrow minded that you can't appreciate everyone's likes and dislikes. Here for the ladies not the men. I know what parts of CFNM appeals to me. If you can appreciate any one else's view s the why are you here? Men and women make CFNM possible. And if you do not like men liking women or appreciating them the that's your own short coming.

CFNM1976 said...

You throw stones in glass houses. Look in the mirror and you will see everything you accuse me of. Of course that's probably too much for you to do.

coleopter said...

Chère Marie: please do not be discouraged by the negative comments here. They prove, not for the first time, that some men cannot abide the thought (heaven forfend!) of women turning the tables on men and enjoying themselves once in a while. How many male porn sites are there? Exactly. And I’m sorry: I’ve nothing against gays, but it’s a CFNM site not a gay site. Yes, there’s some overlap in content, but the context is different. It’s not just about the beefcake but about female schadenfreude. The upper pic here in particular conveys for men something of the eerie sense of being eye-candy for the “girls”. They take you in like a side of beef- from torso to testicles to toes!
Therein lies the essence of CFNM.

Vive la différence.

CFNM1976 said...

I agree don't be discouraged. My intent is to celebrate CFNM. I am for giving the girls a chance to enjoy CFNM. I don't care much for the males as I may envy them. It's more seeing women enjoy us as an object of affection. As men have done for some time. You need Clothed Females and Nude Males to make CFNM possible. I being a male enjo the females and their reactions I want it to be fun for both. I do like the girls. As has been mentioned. Some find fault with this. And said things pertaining to my lack of understanding of what CFNM is about. Either way Happy CFNMing.

Formerly CfnmFan said...

Bravo, coleopter.
Guys like me appreciate and love women like you.

Lots of love.

Anonymous said...

CFNM1976, you are a fraud. You profess to enjoy CFNM, but most of your comments are directed at the woman's physical appearance ("so and so is cute", "check out that babe's whatever", or the even more trite "I like that girl"). WHO CARES?

I also enjoy the ladies pictured here, but unlike you, I don't feel the need to announce it about every damn one. It seems like on CFNM BLOG, more suitable comments would be about the look on her face, or what she might be thinking standing amidst naked cocks.

But your comments are all about the ladies' physical appearance. As I said, you are a fraud in this CFNM context.

Of course you wouldn't realize it, but since you joined this site and began your steady stream of objectifying the females, the number of female commenters has plummeted. Is it a direct result? Who knows, but the point of this blog is to objectify the males.

Anonymous said...

WNBR is the best form of CFNM for me.
Both men and women know what to expect.
Especially exciting are the women who take photos as souvenirs to show their female friends

NudeVinzAtl said...

It'd be wonderful for all us males to be on display so the ladies can discuss and compare every part of our bodies, all fully exposed for them at all times!

Anonymous said...

Marie and all other women,

enjoy cfnm!!!! Don't let you tease by others!

I also get excited when clothed women are acting around my nude body. I have ejaculated several time after being photographed by them. It is always fun!

Turn the tables or not but enjoy!

CFNM1976 said...

I laughed at your fraud comment. I f I like a girl or woman in here it again s most likely someone would would like to share a CFNM with. The males are merely stand ins until I can be there myself. They hold no interest for me. I hope the females can appreciate this I want them to enjoy the nudemales. As much I enjoy the Clothed Females. I have stated you candy have CFNM with out the Clothed Females or the Nude Males. I actually want them to make comments and objectify the men if I I don't objectify the men because I am thinking one of them. Consider this before you call me the fraud. I was going to start sharing my CFNM pictures but I don't know if you are deserving.

Anonymous said...

You talk a lot, yet say nothing.

CFNM1976 said...

That's the pot calling the kettle black.