Sunday, November 21, 2021


CFNM is common in several circumstances, public and private, for couples and for friends, on the beach or during festivals and events, in spa and lockerroom, in sex and in everyday life, for common people as well as for celebs ...

In conclusion, is more and more a normal life custom ...

Sometimes, CFNM is also something harder, a part of a new teasing experience, a tantalization, a sexual fetish ...

So, the blog considers also "The hard side of CFNM".


Folsom fair: 

bent naked, tied, balls squeezed,

felt and spanked by girls in public ...

what's more humiliating for a guy

and exciting for girls?



Old School Fan said...

That looks like an experience everyone should try at least once.

In many of the photos from Folsom Street, Burning Man, WNBR, or Bay to Breakers, the women do not look like who you might choose as a girlfriend or mistress, but that's part of the allure. The man has no say in who works him over, or in what they do.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a win-win situation. The guys get a good spanking and the girls get a good look!

Dark Wolf said...

I already discussed it with a dome, something more embarrassing that be spanked in public...? Well she think to take out my clothes, using a watermark to sign her name in my forehead and in my dick, then puting me a collar, and walking to show to another females her toy; I would not be tied like him, to demostrate that he don't stay on this humilliant situation for nothing else he own surrender.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't look like he is going anywhere soon..............Mrs P.

Anonymous said...

Would love to see more photos or video from this Folsom Street session.

coleopter said...

It must be a source of mirth for girls that those delicate little dingo-balls that a man carries around between his legs in a sensitive little dittybag are the source of his muscles, his macho, and his deep he-man voice.
No wonder they live longer!

Anonymous said...

Les testicules sont exposées cela est très humiliant,la fessée semble ferme la décision appartient à la femme, il y a parfois besoin de punitions.