Thursday, December 23, 2021

Streaker at Olympic torch relay

At the Olympic torch relay at Henley-on-Thames, a streaker popped up ... 

to the surprise and fun of women. Look at the girls' reaction!


CFNM1976 said...

The winner 🏆

Dark Wolf said...

Nice to see that the most of audience is feminine.
I wish that be as it on internet social networks

Anonymous said...

This isn't CFNM
This is indecent exposure
Also there are young children in the crowd :(

Nude Nik said...

This is not indecent exposure. The photo was taken in England where public nudity is legal, it could be described as exhibitionism if we could see that there is a sexual aspect to the photo, I cannot see anything that suggests it. If people can just see his soft cock that is OK in England, if his cock is hard then that could be said to be sexual or indecent, but we cannot see his cock.

Anonymous said...

A man exposing himself in front of children is not only unacceptable it is illegal

Anonymous said...

Are you the same wet blanket that keeps popping up on this blog?
For all you know, he could be wearing a sock.
Why don't you do something constructive, instead of continually bitching and moaning on this blog?
Get yourself a blog, and post whatever the hell YOU want to, and leave these good people be. (But no, that would take initiative - something complainers never have.)

Anonymous said...

Oh dear not sure who you are referring to but seems like I've touched a nerve here

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to all CFNM fans especially the women! :=)

Fred Smithson said...

The woman in red in the middle of the picture is desperate to get a good view

Anonymous said...

She is also telling her young daughter to look at the naked man. To those above, I would rather have girls of any age see their first naked man in safer sanctioned events like this than have a prick expose his dick to her on a dark street. I also notice that the young boys seem excited that the girls are getting to see naked males.