Sunday, January 30, 2022

Young female tourists like posing with natives (3/3)

Tribal cfnm situations are more and more popular and appreciated by many people. 

Western girls and women like being among naked tribal men freely exposing their genitals, 

so that they have the opportunity to see while staying dressed ...  

The contrast between the dressed civilized white women 

and the free nudity of the natives is rahter artistic ...

... and taking a souvenir to share with friends when back home, is great !




Anonymous said...

The photos these last five days have been about as interesting as an old National Geographic magazine.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a. b e a u t I f u l. young woman in that black bikini! Would love to pose naked for or with her. Women rule, men serve, right girls...?

XXX Pimmelchen

CFNM1976 said...

I like the blue bikini girl./. Heck I'd CFNM with All of them

Anonymous said...

Most different bodies look beautiful -

This simple sentence is the basis of this project. We want to show that every body is wonderful and people look diverse and beautiful. No matter if they are male, female, non-binary or inter, trans or cis. And we want to give very special visibility to those who don't want to fit into the existing gender stereotypes - Or who break with them without clothes, consciously or unconsciously. And obviously this also include CFNM! <3

We want to show you. And that unclothed. Send us an email with a nude photo of you and write us your name and pronouns and we will publish your submission on this blog. If you wish, you can participate under a pseudonym or ask us to censor your face if you want to support us but not expose yourself to personal reactions.

Our sincere request: dare! Join in! Together, let's show the world how diverse human bodies are, that sex and gender don't have to go together, and that there's more to gender than some people think. Thank you for your courage. We look forward to your submission!

Our Mail-adress:

Anonymous said...

Pimmelchen would like to add that, unlike our tribal friend, he would certainly have a hard on...

Anonymous said...

HI different bodies

If I send a picture of myself naked you will publish it here?
Who are you?

Pedro - brazil