Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Red hair, red paint, red skin

Tribal style CFNM is growing and appreciated by several female tourists.

The reahead girl in the previous post really enjoys the double standard ...

She has her body painted as the local natives, but she remains dressed ... 

... while the tribal male is in the usual dress code, i.e. nearly or stark naked!

Walking around the village painted in a traditional way but overdressed compared to local costumes

Her eyes and smile say how she loves that cfnm situation !



CFNM1976 said...

Oh it's her again! 😻

NudeVinzAtl said...

What a truly civilized and respectful way for the males to display and accompany females!

Anonymous said...

CFNM is a habit embedded in human nature and tribal culture is obviously following that ancient instict !!
Civilized tourists have ot follow that costume, both females and males ...
So tourists visiting villages should follow the natives' costumes!

Fred Smithson said...

She is beautiful