Monday, February 28, 2022

A WNBR rider excited to be naked in front of girls ...

... and girls smiling happy to see his excitement 


Buckeye5395 said...

He is not wearing any clothing but his nudity is accentuated by his wrist watch, eyeglasses, and his neck wear. I am not a smoker but glad to see some people still enjoy it despite the risks. His tan lines suggest he wears a bathing suit some of the time. His semi erect pimmel gives him a feeling of well being and puts smiles on the faces of a few women.

GayMasterDom the First said...

I notice that only guys are taking photos

Anonymous said...

Amusing body language
Thr women have their arms crossed defensively but still having a good look and can't hide their big smiles! :=)

CFNM1976 said...

I like the smiles on the ladies./. It's what brings out the exhibitionist in myself as well as others./.

George said...

Great to see the ladies enjoying the show!

Anonymous said...

The smiling faces of the girls are priceless, fun and embarassment at the same time !!

Anonymous said...

It´s normal to exhibit a nice boner if an attractive clothed woman like the dark-haired one looks at your nudity so idly and in such a carefree way. Her natural smile and the possibility that she can stare at your pimmel and balls if she pleases and the fact that you can´t hide anything in that moment is so enticing and arousing...

Anonymous said...

She's saying to her friend don't look now but he is horny.
So they both make sure they have a good long look! :=)

Anonymous said...

Dave, you have got a beautiful pimmel.