Wednesday, October 12, 2022

The Asian girl is looking right there, 

her boyfriend pretends not to care ...

but everybody sees he's upset 


Anonymous said...

Obvious fake.

Anonymous said...

Who is that over on the far left equally nude?!

Old School Fan said...

Anon Oct 12 @ 3:38, who cares? Just enjoy the photos.
Why must trolls like you nitpick every detail, especially when you have not gotten off your ass and started your own blog?

Good work Marie. Whether this is real, photoshopped by others, or by you, it is CFNM, and that's what we are here for.

Coleopter said...

I’m sensing a note of contempt in his bearing. I get the impression he fancies himself her protector, shepherding her thorough the decadent West. As for her, she’s thinking “If this be decadence, I’d like a handful!”

Anonymous said...

Faked? It looks like a real cock to me. His nuts look pretty real too so what's fake? There is another pair to the left in silver.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't me -unfortunately!

Anonymous said...

I recognise this as Forum magnum Square on the London WNBR. If the camera had panned left if would have seen over a thousand naked riders