Friday, March 24, 2023


"You are great in your birthsuit!"

(while the girl in the background is taking pictures of the naked men)


CFNM1976 said...

I love Mrs. Jean shorts./. CFNM makes hot girls hotter./.

CFNM Birthdaysuit said...

I have done one WNBR and hope to do it again. Lots of fun. It did seem like more females than males were taking pictures.

cfnmlover said...

IT would be fun to be in one of those where more ladies were taking shots and the guys are naked. Have never been in one.

Anonymous said...

Of course CFNM there were a more naked males for them to take photos off, My understanding is that 9 our of 10 naked people are the males. (I would not mind if all those who are naked are males)