Friday, April 28, 2023
















"listen, here the rule is: mandatory nudity for males in front of all women and girls ... 

this is the law written on this paper of the female society ... 

so, stop complain and stand up naked to be seen by everybody around !" 

That's the script in this theatre play.




Anonymous said...

I want to be a actor

mike said...

Yeay, me too, I mean I would love to be an actor in sucha theathre, the costumes looks great, very minimalistic for the małe, cheap and easy to prepare, you will never forget to bring it with you and script shouldn't be hard to learn :)

CFNM1976 said...

If it was more than just a play. Do we know what play it's from or where it is/was playing?

Anonymous said...

Naked male only theater performances and dances are becoming far more popular. Just do a search for naked male theater performances and you will see a lot of them.