Tuesday, May 02, 2023

On the beach 2 swimsuited girls and many naked guys


Anonymous said...

Ah, the true spirit of CFNM!

Anonymous said...

And all enjoying

Anonymous said...

If I were there, I would rather it be two naked guys and many clothed girls as I would be one of the naked guys and the more clothed girls the better it is. A hundred girls would be great.

mike said...

Exactly :) I can't even imagine being in place like this, totally naked with many, many ladies comfortably dressed :)

Anonymous said...

It's a nude beach you dummies, women are going to be naked too

NudeVinzAtl said...

An all beef buffet for the ladies!

Spain said...

I love both situations: more naked men and more clothed women. It´s CFNM in any case. Once I was the only naked man in a beach in Cabo de Gata and it was really exciting. By the way, for Anonymous 3:45 AM: we also know that is a nudist beach and women will be naked in two or three minutes, but the pic is the pic. Let us enjoy our fantasies, please.

Anonymous said...

On an ideal beach, all the women would wear bathing suits and all the men would be naked. Some women are more comfortable in swimsuits on the beach. If all women wear bathing suits, then they will be on an equal footing, embarrassment of men and glancing will be excluded.

CFNM1976 said...


CFNM1976 said...

It proof that the beach should be CFNM. Let's get some more girls start the music and get things rolling.

Eleanor said...

Those are some nice bottoms

Anonymous said...

I think all males enjoy to undress and not like his girls undress like him.