Saturday, July 22, 2023

Chinese art modeling

and she's taking the size of his poor dick


Nun of the Above said...

Chinese women like big white dicks best.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm sure you interviewed every Chinese woman on the planet and they all told you that's what they prefer, so many experts on here thinking they know what women want

Anonymous said...

once again, marie proves to be a racist white man who has some sort of issue with his own small dick <3

Anonymous said...

His dick is like mine - little

Anonymous said...

Ah, this is more like the real deal- an actual art class. But he looks cold- Marie, I wouldn’t worry about his poor dick. Girls, if you ever host a figure-drawing class, PLEASE, for the model’s sake, be sure to have a space heater well-positioned to keep his poor balls nice and warm😨

Anonymous said...

I life model and, yes, temperature in an art studio can be a real issue, especially in winter, when posing nude in a large, drafty classroom (while the artists are all comfortably sitting there in sweaters and sweatshirts) can be daunting. My body is a natural thermometer under such conditions; my scrotum pulls up tight and my penis shrinks on stage in a cold room, when ordinarily my balls are swinging and the dick flops a little freer. Consequently artists are not necessarily drawing the real me, because they're seeing me nude under slightly adverse conditions. But models are conditioned to just deal with it and keep going.