Sunday, March 10, 2024


San Francisco ride, February 10, 2024


Coleopter said...

CFNM bicycling should perhaps be called riding à l’américaine. At European WNBR events, which after all are rooted in protest against climate change, you usually see a few women riding in the buff, albeit not as many as the men. In the States, though, they tend to be strictly sausage fests.

Debbie said...

Not really. The Austin TX rides have had a fair number of nude women and there was a famous incident in Wisconsin when a woman and her 10 ur old daughter both did the event totally nude

As a matter of accuracy, the original intent was to protest the over use of fossil fuels (big oil), thus the cycling aspect. Later it became a platform for protesting anything or even just celebrating being nude.

Coleopter said...

No sh*t? Never been to Texas, but I have new respect for the place. At the venues I’ve been to, it’s franks and beans all the way.

Coleopter said...

Never knew about the Wisconsin incident, but thanks for setting me straight.

Anonymous said...

Any pics from Texas or Wisconsin

Ken said...
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Anonymous said...

Love the poster with a naked "David" it. Hopefully everyone will believe that only the males should be naked and that the males should be totally naked and will think the females should be clothed.

Anonymous said...

See comment above from Debbie. It ISN'T PURPOSE OF WNBN AND NEVER BEEN.