Friday, July 13, 2018

Nick with Dancers - The Dwarves


Rex Everything (Nick Oliveri) from the US Hardcore Punk band the Dwarves 


and Chritine Obscene and Betty Dynamite from Choke Dash performing at the SO36 in Berlin


Anonymous said...

Cool band!

Old School Fan said...

What great photos! I wish I had the nads to do that (oh yeah, and the ability to play the guitar).

I LOVE how those babes are admiring his thick cock on stage. You just KNOW someone's getting some in the green room afterwards!

Harry Dix said...

Dwarves??? Nothing dwarfish about his wanger

Martin said...

Dwarves??? His penis is HUGE !!! If I were a member of this band with my 2-inch-cock
I had to show it backstage to the girls at first. Why ? because some girls are impressed by my courage showing a tiny dick in pubklic wheras others cannot stop laughing.


Old School Fan said...

If only these ladies would do a reach-through!

Martin said...

I ask my self what would happen if I would join the band with my 2 inch peanut cock...
