Monday, February 25, 2019

N  A  G         B  I  E  G                    


Woodstock Festival in Poland

All the girls smile while walking in front of naked guys

Boys undressing in front of the bikini girl ...

...while the girl shows a "Nag Bieg" panel ...

... showing with a cock drawn that it's intended a CFNM run



coleopter said...

Trite but true: Vive la difference!

Anonymous said...

I would strip for her as long as she promised to keep her hat (& bikini) on! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh so tight shorts of the 2 woman admiring the men in the first picture!

Lukas said...

As a longlife reader of your blog from Poland I just wanted to say it's "nagi bieg", not "nag bieg", you are missing letter "i", as it means "naked run" and it's like you would write "nak run" in english ;) Love your blog