Sunday, January 26, 2020














Yann Grouhel in Das melancholische Mädchen (2019)


She is lying dressed on the bed with her eyes at the height of his sex 


contemplating every detail ...


Anonymous said...

Today, movies often show the penis, but very rarely show the pussy. This is discrimination against men, we also want to see women's genitals.

Anonymous said...

I agree. not enough pussy in movies, however this site is for CFNM.

Anonymous said...

If you are looking for naked females, especially pussies, you are on the wrong blog!!

Anonymous said...

I just expressed an opinion about the situation in modern cinema. Personally, I don't mind being naked among dressed women, I like it when a dressed girl looks at my dick, but I don't like looking at other people's dicks in the movies. I believe that if a movie shows men's genitals, then for balance, they should show women's genitals, too.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anon January 28, 2020 at 1:26 PM (and I suppose January 26, 2020 at 9:54 PM),
I understand your point of view, but that's CFNM !
Men have to be naked while woman not, especially they have not to show their genitals!
Anyway, if I like it when a dressed girl looks at my dick, you are in the right CFNM mood, so why don't you like CFNM scenary and this great blog?!