Wednesday, March 25, 2020


In France school trips are a long tradition since a long time and the Week End of Integration (WEI) an event with sport, games, iniziations and parties.

Often in WEI a lot of opportunities for teasing dares and nudity. 

Guys usually show a lot of skin while girls generally stay dressed or at most keep their underwear on.

Sometimes girls take off their bra or go topless (that is common enough in France) but very seldom they go fully naked.

On the contrary, French girls love having their male school fellows naked, or close to naked, staring at them and sometimes taking advantage of stupid games to touch and humiliate them!

During the trip, several opportunities for great cfnm



1 comment:

Laura said...

Dans la première photo, la conductrice tente de ne pas se laisser distraire par les zigounettes à portée de regard, et de continuer à regarder la route...