Friday, July 24, 2020

My darling, all you clothes in the bag, please


Anonymous said...

That nice and smiling couple were looking forward to arriving at the beach, after many months of lock down. But when they arrived there, the woman managed to convince his hubby to walk down the beach totally naked. At first, he didn´t fancy that idea, but after a little talk of his wife, at the end he understood that nakedness was good for his health (hence, his open and candid smile). But truly the idea of the husband´s nudity came from the recent discovery of Marie´s blog by this female and several of her girlfriends along. In fact, all of them didn´t even know about what is cfnm about until they got to this blog. They all liked the "philosophy" of CFNM and proposed themselves to put it in practice with their hubbies at the first occasion they could. Just like the wives, the husbands didn´t know about cfnm either. So,the ladies agreed on inventing whatever in order to make their men show their total nudity to strangers, mainly women. Of course them females would keep their modesty standing always clothed.
As for the couple in the picture, meanwhile the poor fellow thinks (candidly) that his nudity helps to his health, the naughty woman just only wanted him to walk down the beach with nothing to hide, with his dick swinging freely for all the females´s joy and delight. Would the other women fulfill their purpose too?


D T R said...

Actually Kaley I took this photo at the end of the Brighton WNBR in 2014

Anonymous said...

DTR, this blog also consists on imagining exciting situations, according to the pictures. It's some kinda game.


Anonymous said...

I like Kaley's version of the photo