D a n l e j a r d i n
Merde, je ne savais pas qu'elle était là, cachée dans la petite maison!
Salut, pas de problème, je te regarde depuis un moment
Ne sois pas gêné et ne t'habille pas, j'aime te regarder comme ça
In the garden.
Damn, I didn't know she was there, hidden in the little house!
Hi, no problem, I've been watching you for a while
Don't be embarrassed and don't get dressed, I like looking at you like that
“... Maud’s not coming into the garden,
‘Cause she wasn’t born yesterday.”😉
I must admit that I also love watching naked men and their pimmels.
Why don't we have a walk on the neighborood...and no, you don't need to dress. Anymore
Wow, my favorite girl here is back. Remember we have a pending appointment to watch and photograph me naked ;)
Now that's an idea Kltskr what next?
@ Mr Chris: "and do not forget to wear the mask...safe first"
What are you doing in my mancave?
Yes darling, your clothes are here, but you don't need them!
Hello sweety, welcome in my womancave. I see you have the perfect dresscode for entering it.
Looks like Russia.I think that is exactly what she is saying. Lovely vérité shot. Femsup
Elle semble apprécier le spectacle ! Il est effectivement bien fait de partout...
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