Monday, September 28, 2020

MUD RUN ... for female audience visual pleasure


Anonymous said...

Is he the only one naked? Too bads he does not show everything. Is he even naked if he has a mud covering?


Anonymous said...

Very sexy guy!

Anonymous said...

The question is why he is naked. I think he lost his pants in the mud or girls took off his pants The next question is why he doesn't show everything. He is a double loser. Take the opportunity if you get the opportunity

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun run in Maldon in Essex. I think the mud enhances him getting him all dirty. I think all that mud squelching round his privates or not so privates is a lot of fun. Femsup

Anonymous said...

Much to the delight of the audience, this extremely attractive guy really has the perfect classic body. ๐Ÿ‘ Anyone who is so well built simply has to show himself naked in public. The young man clearly shows that he not only likes the mud, but also the looks ๐Ÿ‘ on his skin. Why he lacks the self-confidence to take his hand off his genitals is astonishing, and for the viewer it is a shame. ๐Ÿ˜‰ A sport that I have never seen before, but which I would like to be part of, even as a participant.