Monday, May 31, 2021

 C a m p i n g     w i t h      f r i e n d s

Why only one boy is naked ?

Is he the boyfriend of the girl?

The other guys are pissed beacuse they don't want to undress ? 

Or are they jealous of the naked one?

Or they are ready to do the same?



CFNM1976 said...

Only one brave soul?

Anonymous said...

I wonder who snapped the photo another girl ? I think the guy looking at the camera will be the next one to get naked.

Anonymous said...

She's casually smoking a cigarette with a naked man only a few feet from her
No doubt she's seen them all naked before! :)

Laura said...

Le garçon tout nu a la peau mouillée. Sans doute il s'est baigné nu car il n'avait pas de maillot. Ce n'est sans doute pas la première fois. Les autres semblent blasés...