Friday, November 19, 2021

C  o  n  t  r  o l 

Control of her on his clothing !


Anonymous said...

She's loving it but he's wondering what he's let himself in for.
"Are you sure you won't embarrass me by showing all your friends?!" :=)

Anonymous said...

She has total control over what he wears. In this case that means no clothes. She has the right idea. Mrs P

CFNM1976 said...

CFNM the perfect way to attend a convention./.

NudeVinzAtl said...

I'd love to attend this public event and follow this dress code!

Unknown said...

We definitely need more of these events... Free the pimmel for womens entertainment.

CFNM1976 said...

Emancipate the penis./. I am also a fan of vindicate the vulva./.