Thursday, April 20, 2023

Your boyfriend really want to wear a swimsuit at the beach?

A mankini coul be the only allowed!

(but be sure it's samll enough to have his cock slipping out)


Debbie said...

For some reason I really don't care for these. I sure wouldn't want my man wearing one. Much prefer nude or maybe a pouch if coverup is necessary.

DeaconBlues said...

I so agree with you Debbie! I just do not like the look of these "mankinis" or whatever they are called, it looks like they would feel horrible and give a "wedgie" riding up and into your butt, not to mention the feeling of those straps on your shoulders. I would just prefer nude, or if mandatory covering then a minimal pouch or string "speedo" sort of thing. I suppose that for the men who wear them they must get accustomed to them, but I just don't like them, naked is always the best for a male.

CFNM1976 said...

I think they are stupid too. Besides mankinis ruin the CFNM.

Kev Smith said...

Really just for comic effect. I agree much better nude or a small micro pouch.

Anonymous said...

I would rather be naked!

Anonymous said...

They do highlight the nakedness of the male for comic effect. But only acceptable if as shown the head of the penis is showing. If not the woman has the right to pull his penis to such a position as to properly expose him. Femsup,

Anonymous said...

If they require a manakin, it needs to have a hole in it for which both the penis and testicles would go through to assure all the women and girl around will be able to clearly see both. The rule may say they have to be wearing something but nothing was said that the cock and balls could not be exposed.

CFNM1976 said...

I get that. It's just not funny to me.i didn't find borrat funny in general. No disrespect to those who did.

CFNM1976 said...
