Sunday, July 09, 2023

 unhappy to be nude at WNBR


Anonymous said...

Why so glum chum? You have your dick out for all the ladies to see, so what’s the problem?

CFNM1976 said...

He looks lonely.

Anonymous said...

maybe he is sad because no girls want their photo taken with him.

DeaconBlues said...

Seriously? Most men would love to be in that situation... maybe he is just tired after a long bike ride or something, but if I was naked in front of women, I just couldn't be unhappy. Still, it is a good pic if for no other reason than it's the rare pic of a naked man who is not smiling.

Anonymous said...

nevertheless, he should be proud to show his big balls to all these 'hungry) females lol

kurtaunaturel said...

A little time at the gym will make next year much more enjoyable for him.

Anonymous said...

Just a little bit tired.

Anonymous said...

Tired, but maybe also a little bit embarrassed ... that's an element of CFNM ...

Coleopter said...

Be fair: it takes some getting used to. CFNM in its purest form has an element of queasy embarrassment, or at least unease. And we can’t totally lose that without losing something of our humanity IMO. I’ll never forget the first time I posed nude for an art class. The wafting air was gentle, but the girls’ intense looks hit like hammerblows. Perhaps, if he’s lucky, the gentleman will look back on that moment and ask, “What was I so afraid of?”