Monday, December 09, 2024


naked, tied bent, beaten, made hard, humiliated 

and dominated by a dressed lady ... that's art



Verygary said...

What is this; some kind of assembly line? It looks like the guy ahead of him still has shoes on.

Anonymous said...

She needs to teach classes at the girl's school on how to discipline husbands if they do not obey them or resist acknowledging that women are superior to them since they are a male

Buckeye5395 said...

This guy is certainly tied down enough for a spanking. I am not quite sure what is hanging down parallel to his shaft. If this were me I would be dripping too.

BriFry Searching said...

I studied that and it is not something hanging down, it is a penis restraint or clamp attached to the semi-circle end of the table which is in the open position. On the edges of the two vertical lines you can see that the edges are different. Probably two different sides of the clasp for the clamp.

Anonymous said...

Why would it need a penis clamp? And if that is what it is, it would seem they use this device only on males

Bmann said...

Trust me - zoom in on that part of the image. I guess the table could be used for women too. But the woman seems to be a FemDom and leaving the clamp open, they could not only spank his ass but his penis and balls. Then once they were done with that, if they wanted to do some pegging, they could fasten the clamp and it would make sure he did not squirm around too much.

Dark Wolf said...

Full image:
But cut is correct in this case

Anonymous said...

I agree but both the males should have blindfolds on since a woman's private parts are exposed but also BOTH males should be totally naked.

Dark Wolf said...

That extreme act is not totally good for both parts.
In some cases, as example, I agree to be blindfold in a trap session to prevent that girls have her panties observed from downside.
But in a lot of cases girls desire to see male expressions, fully!
In another cases, remember, girls consider male as the entire body, it include his identity, then cover face is not a good aproach.

Anonymous said...

It should always be about what SHE wants as us males being naked is for her pleasure not ours even though I do got a lot of pleasure seeing how happy the ladies are when they can see us naked without worrying about exposing themselves.

Anonymous said...

It looks like the balls are placed in a good position to get wacked too and if so more power to her for wacking his nuts too.

Anonymous said...

What if what SHE wants is to show herself naked though? Heh, sorry I had to.