Thursday, January 30, 2025

Vintage streaking




Bmann said...

I love this photo of a mom handing out drinks with her young daughter standing next to her and observing adult nude males running. The mom is doing it right and giving her daughter a proper education of male genitals on the move.

Gerald said...

I certainly agree. This is a WONDERFUL thing for a young girl to see. They should be very knowledgeable about what naked males look like

Buckeye5395 said...

I agree with Bmann and Gerald. Kudos to the Mom who gave her daughter a chance to view the innocence moment of men running in the nude. i

George 1 said...

This is not streaking. This was a nude race organised by a nudist resort and TAN (an Australian Naturist Magazine). If I remember correctly there were competitors of both genders

IndianVoyeurGirl said...

She could have waited until daughter is 13 or 14. Not that it is morally wrong, but before 13, there is no sexual desire. With sexual desire, the curiosity to watch opposite gender nudity also increases greatly. If she has already seen lots of naked guys, then the curiosity may not be there ina 14 year old girl. I feel teenage is best for girls to start watching naked men. Look at the teenage girls of Phillipines during oblation run. If they already watched watched lots of naked guys in childhood itself, would they react the way they do during oblation Run?

Anonymous said...

Clearly he is NOT embarrassed.

Marie said...

I agree a CFNM education is very important and it should start as soon as possible. IndianVoyeurGirl is right, curiosity is a key point, but anyway, CFNM habit should be adopted at any age!

Anonymous said...

Marie, please more posts about CFNM education of young girls!

Anonymous said...

What a great photo! It's never too early to teach girls about penises. What a wonderful mother for bringing her daughter to get an education on the male anatomy. She doesn't just get to see one, but got to look at different penises all day long to understand what makes them all similar, yet how each one is unique.

Peepgim (man) said...

A CFNM woman likes to be able to see penises from an early age without being seen naked. Being able to know what her friends' penises look like and she always likes it with clothes on. Girls need to be taught to see penises and that they won't be able to see them naked, so don't worry. Let's focus on the girls.

Peepgim (man) said...

Estoy de acuerdo

Peepgim (man) said...

Marie, how would you raise your daughters?

Buckeye5395 said...

Thank you very much Marie

Buckeye5395 said...

I Second this

Anonymous said...

When I was a younger teenager around 14 I went camping with a neighbor family and their teenager daughter who was 18
I did not realize that it was a nudist camp
So I had no problem being nude but their daughter kept her clothes on the whole time
She really had fun seeing me nude and teased me to get a boner which she did and her parents were proud of her
Except one of the runs she decided to strip naked and run with me
Ended up many camping trips

Anonymous said...

Really?! More commonly known as indecent exposure

Anonymous said...

Or should could wait for the child to become an adult, I.e. when she reaches the age of consent

SavithaLady said...

😆😂😀🤣😅🤓😃😄😁My God ! I am dying of laughter. Though I am now 65 and retired from watching CFNM in real life, CFNM was definitely an addiction to me.

I am not just watching this photo here. I can imagine the whole scene which is not caught in the camera

This scene is not streaming

Rather it is a nude running by guys. He is not the only one running

Look behind him. There are two more and see there could be several more who are not caught in camera

That lady and her daughter can see his dick and balls shaking and dangling all the way. We can say their eyes are glued to his private parts.

Till age 60, I have watched so many makes guys, but all teenage guys. Only once when I went to UK I could watch also adult naked men during naked rides.

CFNM1976 said...

This just goes to show there is nothing wrong or dirty about CFNM./.

Peepgim (man) said...

Do you like being able to see penises and not having to get naked?

menas90 said...

I thought this was a site about kink but now seeing all of these fucking pedophiles in the comments

Anonymous said...

I would rather have young girls see naked males in a safe sanctioned event than her seeing her first penis when some prick exposes his cock to her on the street.

Anonymous said...

The banner in the background does indicate that this was an organized nude run. I wonder whether the nude runners were a mixed crowd or men only. The nude runners in this picture are obviously all men.

Do you sometimes wish you were still sating your CFNM addiction in real life?

How different was it for you to see naked men riding in the UK, compared to seeing younger naked guys back home?

Bmann said...

You don't know what "Pedophilia" is. Look it up.
[pedophilia, in conventional usage, a psychosexual disorder, generally affecting adults, characterized by sexual interest in prepubescent children or attempts to engage in sexual acts with prepubescent children.]

Our positive comments about seeing a mom with a young daughter watching naked men does not mean we want or approve of adult males having sex with prepubescent girls. I abhor that idea and men who abuse young girls should be prosecuted.
Many nudist communities allow underage children to attend. I have been to several and honestly, most kids at those places have seen it all and are more interested in playing with their friends.

Anonymous said...

It may take away some of the surprise but I don't think it ever gets really boring.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The spectators went there to see this, so it's not exposure (which is forced on somebody). You could avoid it by not going there to watch.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why some ignorant people who don't know CFNM talk about certain things without knowing what they're talking about and I don't understand why they're on this blog. If they don't like it, they should go somewhere else, or be kicked out

Anonymous said...

Before spreating your hatred you should ask women who have seen naked men when they were young girls if they feel bothered or traumatized by the sight. You could also ask girls but I am sure for people like you, this would not count.

BriFry Searching said...

"Spreating(sp?)" my hatred??? Huh? Are you okay? I wrote nothing hateful. You seem upset and your comment is somewhat poorly phrased and a little irrational. Are you suggesting that young girls are traumatized after seeing a naked man? Or are you just speaking for yourself, based on some event in your past?

anonymus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Brifry, man, the comment was not adressed to YOUR post, get it?!

Bmann said...

Okay. My mistake. I thought the response was targeted to me. I did not really look closely at the thread.

Anonymous said...

“Oh, well. They don’t bite,” he says to himself as the young lady nibbles at his testicle with her Venus’ Flytrap eyes.

Anonymous said...

I agree. A young girl should see her first penis in a safe environment, preferably at home, and the penis should belong to her father.

coleopter said...

“Hey! Couldn’t you take your little girl someplace else?”
- “Those laws are to protect us not you, Silly!”

Anonymous said...

I think coleopter has hit the point exactly! There is no threat or shock for the females in this situation, on the contrary. Probably only curiosity. Of course, the girls should not be forced to see this. And I guess this is not the case, even if her mother decided to visit the event.