Oblation run,
Philippines girls love taking photos of the naked guys
The male students run naked between two rows of girls who watch them amused.
But above all, almost all of them try to photograph them, some with their cell phones, others equipped for the occasion with powerful cameras.
They want to take home memories of this exceptional event and share them with their friends ...
From age of 15 till 60, I have been watching naked guys.
Though here in India, it is conservative, I somehow managed.
Now I am living quiet life at the age of 65. But until 60, watched lots of naked guys. Especially after I became tuition teacher.
I am sometimes guilty about it. I taught maths and you know maths teachers need to be strict.
Students age between 16 and 21. So any guy misbehaving , not writing,I would make him remove all his clothes in front of class.
Classes always consisted of more females than males. And the females would laugh like anything during these nude punishment
. I would also tell the naked guy to jump, so as to humiliate him further
. Only if he was too unwilling to remove his clothes, I would give him other punishment. Such as situps or canings.
Just imagine how many guys I have seen naked. I have lost count.
Sometimes also erections. In fact most of the time erections.Enjoyed immensely.
These punishment this type given by other teachers also. Nude punishments are given only to boys
. In my case, I would tell him to jump also. He has to jump till I tell him to stop or if he feels too tired to jump.
Strangely, there are also parents who not disapprove of these nude punishments. Say boys deserve to be naked as punishment, more so if girls are present so as to humiliate him further.otherwise boys will never learn. I
t is also surprising , that most guys willingly stripped.
I became tuition teacher at age of 24, I had seen guys naked in villages and some guys of college then religious monks naked.
But from 25 to 60 was the time of my life.
Those that read here, I would like to know ur honest opinions about nude punishments for boys.
As a serious real world matter, I think it's very unethical to use forced nudity as a punishment. I understand that there's a cultural difference: compared to the USA (where I live), Indian culture might be more accepting of that punishment. I also realize that your career lasted numerous decades, and that a lot can change in that span of time.
However, I think some readers (including me) would be interested to hear more about your experiences. On a site like this, you can easily find people who enjoy these types of stories.
Oh, but I should mention that the Oblation Run is not a form of punishment. Those guys were running around naked because they wanted to, and it's a big annual event.
How often did you use nude punishments? In a given class, how many different boys would normally have to strip at some point in the term?
I have no problem that it was done only to boys. I am in the USA and my childhood was during a time that punishment's were often when the child was nude. My mother would take my sisters to their room to do so but but since they were girls only mom would do it. For the boys, we would strip naked right there and everyone present was allowed to watch and by everyone, it would often mean girlfriends of my sisters which could be a half dozen who could watch us be spanked naked and than given corner time where we would stand facing out so the girls could see us and our hands would be on our head and we could not cover even if we had erections.
I am glad that only males were given nude punishment's and you did good by allowing the girls to see everything.
Not on daily basis, but could be one nude punishment in a span of five days or so
Sometimes, three or four boys would be given nude punishment.
But not to those who were too unwilling to strip. For them, situps.
I noticed that most guys would willingly strip like they actually enjoy it. And girls enjoyed the show even more.
I chose this punishment because I hate beating as a punishment. I saw too much beating while in school and I hated it.
So decided to go with nude punishments or situps for some.
Here a state in India. In several villages, teenage boys often are naked. There is no such thing as male modesty.
So even parents do not consider male nude punishments as a big thing. Rather some encourage it because as a correct form of discipline to boys.
Have you seen any of the Jain community people? It is my understanding that the while the males give up everything the females are always dressed, the males are always naked Marie has phots of them going to what looks like a girls school and the males are totally naked.
I love the comments in this link where a man told how his aunt took him and a group of girls swimming and his cousin had a swim suit that for our standards were very modest but it showed too much of her thigh so she told him to take his trunks off and give them to her. That covered more of her leg but left him naked with 8 females but only the males were naked.
The coversation was with Lemine and another person and starts around April 20, 2021 at 12:21 AM
I fully approve of having any and all women or girls be modestly dressed even if it means a male give up his clothes and leaves him totally naked to assure their modesty
Yes there are Jain community where the male members are always full naked.
Nobody feels anything bad about it. In fact it has become a religion.
Yes, I have seen them several times
Why just the males? Not complaining, in fact I am glad it is just the males and wish it were far more common to have organizations where the male members are naked wherever they go, it gives girls of all ages a chance to see them
As far as punishments go, I probably think forced nudity is at least better than a beating. Using beatings as punishment just seems barbaric. I understand why you wanted to avoid giving out beatings to students.
This is very odd for me to hear about, because having to get naked in front of the class would have been a nightmare scenario for me when I was in school. To repeat myself, I do realize that there's a difference in cultures, and that male modesty was at most a minor thing where you come from. But if I as a schoolboy had been given the choice to get naked in front of the class, or else do some sit-ups... I would've chosen the sit-ups every time. That's actually similar to a punishment one of my teachers used, whereas a nude punishment would have been unthinkable in my schools.
The way you tell it, I wonder if some guys genuinely did enjoy it. Maybe it wasn't the most effective punishment for some of them. Either way, I'm sure the girls enjoyed it a lot. They could watch with glee and curiosity, knowing that they were immune to that type of punishment.
How did you feel when you used nude punishments on boys in your classes?
The feeling I felt while giving the nude punishments was wonderful.
Having a full naked guy in front of so many girls is quite..., though there were few guys also present in class
Girls are not suppose laugh loudly while watching Jain monks coz that is disrespect.
If a girl laugh loudly, then elders scold her
So you see girls only smiling in such pics. Their laughter is suppressed.
Unlike Filipino girls who freely express themselves without any inhibition during the oblation run
As a CFNM woman do you like being able to look at penises without having to get naked knowing that no one will see you naked?
Yes. That itself is CFNMP
Women need to be fully dressed and the man has to be full naked
So I guess you started using nude punishments because you needed some kind of punishment, but didn't want to use beatings. Did you know how much you'd enjoy it, or were you surprised by the way you felt the first few times you did it?
At what point did you start making boys jump as part of the punishment? I expect the jumping must have added some major embarrassment, while also getting lots of laughs from the girls in the class.
And I can't help but wonder: when you realized how much you enjoyed it, did you sometimes start looking for an excuse to use those punishments? Maybe even "target" a specific boy, looking for whatever reason you could find to punish him?
I had seen naked guys way before I became tuition teacher.
At age fifteen itself, boys in villages teenage boys full naked. Not always though.
About nude boys jumping, I had that fantasy in high school when I used to watch guys run or jump during the games classes.
So that fantasy was later fulfilled. If a guy refused to jump, I would tell him to do situps instead.
For guys who would be too unwilling to strip, I would either say " turn your back to the class and remove all your clothes" and then he would turn his back and strip so the class cannot see his frontal nudity, but even the back nudity caused laughter from the girls
Guys who refused even back nudity I would tell them to do situps in their clothes itself, though these times they had to do double situps than anyone in the nude.
No, I would not target any specific guy, but only catch those who did not write down notes or talking continuously. It is possible some would deliberately....in order to be naked in front of the girls??
As a CFNM woman, did you already enjoy looking at the penises of guys your age when you were 15?
Right - I have heard that naked boys are a common sight in Indian villages, at least up to a certain age. They might be changing clothes where they can be seen, taking an outdoor bath, or swimming in a pond. Maybe it happens at other times, too... you obviously know more about this than I do. And I don't know what the upper age "limit" on it is.
If male nudity is common, and male modesty is given little care, how embarrassing do you think it actually was for a boy in your class to get nude punishment? Was it still really embarrassing for him because he was a bit "too old" to be seen like that? Or maybe just a little humiliating to be examined naked by a crowd of female peers, especially if he developed an erection?
It's interesting that you fulfilled a high school fantasy by making boys jump during nude punishment. I imagine that was extra embarrassing for the boys because of the way that certain parts flopped around. Maybe that's exactly why it was a fantasy of yours. (And you were probably enjoying it just as much as the girls in your classes!)
By the time a class had seen a few nude punishments, I would think that everyone would have figured things out. A boy would have already learned that he could turn around when he stripped in order to "only" show his back side, and that he could avoid stripping altogether by just doing more sit-ups. But it sounds like some boys still chose to strip while facing forward. That's confusing.
Unless... as you suggested, maybe some boys actually did want to get naked in front of the girls? If the embarrassment isn't totally overwhelming, then I think that would be a genuine thrill for some boys. An erection would serve as some evidence of that (although an erection doesn't necessarily mean he's enjoying it... especially during adolescence, when they can happen easily and randomly).
Like Peepgim, I also wonder what you thought about seeing naked boys when you were a young girl. Were you always curious to look at them? Or maybe it was too normal to be interesting, but you eventually started to feel curious?
Curiosity Yes
And when the curiosity was fulfilled , then the thrill of it
Just imagine if you were a woman.How would you like it when a guy is fully naked in front of you ; his soft penis slowly becoming hard Is it not a thrill?
And when his jumps see how his dick and balls keep flopping around left and right up and down. You can keep watching that again and again.
The discipline here is just on the outer surface. For the girls, it was entertainment. And they enjoyed and the guys also enjoyed stripping and those who were shy too shy for it got only situps or to only show their backside nudity.
So the real motive behind it was to watch the naked guys and not to make them study. You cannot make anyone study well and good marks, definitely not in maths which is a dressed subject
Now you see how cunning I was.
As a CFNM woman, do you like that you can know what a man's penis looks like without having to teach him anything?
Yes, I can see why it would be interesting for a woman to look at those weird extra parts dangling off the front of a male body. And watching a penis grow and harden in real time must be fascinating, as if the thing has a mind of its own. It's all very familiar to me, but for a woman, I understand why it could be thrilling!
And I imagine it might be hilarious for you to see a guy's dick and balls flop around when he does naked jumps. Is that what you fantasized about back in high school? Were you watching the guys run and jump while imagining how their genitals were moving around in their shorts, and how they'd move around if the guys were naked?
In your first message, you said: "From age of 15 till 60, I have been watching naked guys." Does that mean that you became much more curious when you were about 15, and you started watching more closely when you saw naked guys?
II wonder if you've also seen naked girls as punishment at some point? Are Indian girls more modest? Would it be a harsher punishment for them?
In Spain (and in Europe in general) girls are not modest. I have gone many times to the beach or the river with girls who are classmates or coworkers and while the boys wear swimsuits or underwear, they bathe and sunbathe with just a tiny thong or even naked. But it is much rarer for men to get naked because they think it might bother girls. They are very different cultures.
I'm sure it all depends on the culture they come from. On some countries it is more acceptable for boys to be naked. In other cultures it's more acceptable for girls to be the naked one's. And there's cultures where nudity of both genders is acceptable like my friend from Germany told me when he went to a sauna with his family.
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