Saturday, July 08, 2017

B A L L O N G     D A N S E N         2

Ballongdansen: Swedish for balloon dance, is a tradition from Sweden where a group of boys and girls will strip dance with only having balloons to cover them. It is popular at bachelor parties, weddings and big festive occasions.

Do you remember the last post? Here some more ...


Anonymous said...

Sexy boobs..the guys will have no control on their cocks

Anonymous said...

TFNM is about girls humiliating men by getting guys hard the last layer of nudity.


Anonymous said...

Nice boobs and sexy curves... It must be hard for these guys to have control on their dicks. If some of them are nudists, then they´ll be able to better control their dicks and leave them hanging freely, but if they aren´t, some good boners they will have for the girls´ enjoyment! Marie, thank you for these pics with so many girls with their tits on the fresh air!! LOL

Robert N.

Anonymous said...

the girls are very cute and sexy. looks fun for all involved.