Sunday, July 23, 2017

Painting nude males with clothed females

"Idylle" by William-Adolphe Bouguereau 

Painting in the centuries often represented cfnm scenes.

Idylle is a painting by the French artist William Bouguereau (1825-1905). Produced in oil on canvas, it dates from 1851 and it's classically-inspired work.

It focuses on a quiet woodland scene between two people: a nude young man and a fully-clothed young woman. The woman, dressed in a style reminiscent of ancient Greece with a white robe contemplates the naked man seated at her feet. He, meanwhile, has his hands clasped around the woman's knees, demonstrating his affection for her.

The man's naked figure is in contrast with the girl's white robe and this emphasizes that double standard in dressing ...

So this painting captures the very essence and purpose of CFNM. He is completely naked and embracing her fully derssed. She in turn looks down upon him with loving warmth and appreciation for such situation.

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