Saturday, May 26, 2018

WNBR a (cfnm) event not to be missed

Here some date from the UK calendar



Anonymous said...

My boyfriend says that Asian girls are lovely because we are sexy as well as always ready for some pictures with totally naked Western guys (they don´t use to have peanuts for cocks, just like Asian guys really have!!!).
Me and my boyfriend like to surf this blog, and I dont´t have to tell him to go nude, because he himself undresses totally, even rolls back his foreskin for a higher display. He says that just tries to respect Marie´s rules about CFNM, and he accepts that must not hide anything, but having every pore of his nude body totally visible. He doesn´t mind me being clothed; in fact, he loves this double standard. Both of us think it´s a win-win situation.
By the way, he wants to know if he´s the only guy who surfs this blog in the buff. Anybody can tell?
My name is Lee-Jung, and I´m from Corea. Greetings!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Who is going to an event.


Anonymous said...

Hi Lee-Jung,

I am from Germany and I also like to surf this blog in the buff.

Anonymous said...

I hope I can convince my husband to go to such a happening! Although we promised not to photograph each other naked I hope somebody will take our cfnm photograph and send it to Marie. I am curious about him sitting next to me naked and discovering his naked pic in Marie's blog!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it too humiliating to be photographed naked by a female?

Anonymous said...

plenty of cock for all to enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Much, Anon at May 30, 2018 at 12:33 AM, much.

takis greece said...

hi Lee-Jung !I find Asian girls sexy too ..I am Takis I am from Greece and I met some tourists girls from Asia 2 chines girls and 1 Japanesse they were really cool I was swimming naked and they were really enjoying with me !cool and openminded.. what about Corean girls ?? I think you are cool too and sweet!!hope to wright me I wait for your answer.......