Tuesday, October 13, 2020

A couple painted at at public event

She paints carefully his dick
She's happy to pose with her painting

She smile, since his painting drives attention to his cock and balls

and she embarrass her boyfriend making him pose with mother in law


MR Chris said...

Cute couple, I hope TFNM is the norm in there relationship.

Should I get my willy painted next time I have the opportunity to be naked in public?


Anita Cox said...

I hope that she did not get paint in his pee-hole! that would dry up and cause problems.
Nice little dickie on this guy

Anonymous said...

Nice low cut circumcision nicely showing the gland I'd love to paint and gently wash it off afterwards

Anonymous said...

Anita you sound like you speak from experience! Sometimes an artists model must suffer a little for his painters art.


Anonymous said...

I want her to paint my dick!

Ricky said...

I would not like that Anita.Bet he was glad when she washed it off and made him cum.

Anonymous said...

Wilson, you're in the wrong place, dope.

Pinki said...


Anonymous said...

Mothers in laws should be able to see and feel their daughters choices in men to give an opinion on whether he is worth going out with. That's why men should be naked so they can be judged as the possible fathers of healthy progeny. But personality comes first and hopefully includes a submissive mien. Femsup

microp said...

Anita, his cock is not a little dick. I think it is average. I know that because my dick is smaller than his dick

Anonymous said...

I want her to paint my little cock next.