Monday, October 19, 2020


106. A mature couple, proving CFNM has no age  

This kind reader sent me this photo, I post to show CFNM is more and more comomn, everytime, every age, everywhere ...



Anonymous said...

In our 60's

NudeVinzAtl said...

A very happy home with the man nude for his lady.

Anonymous said...

I love to be nude for my wife. I would love to masturbate for her sometime, if she would like to watch. Not sure if she would like to. Mark

Anonymous said...

Thank You so much for posting our picture of me nude with my wife dressed..... Thanks again, Dusty

Anonymous said...

Mark, next time your nude with your wife, just reach down and fondle yourself a bit, and watch for her reaction. If she does not react, just continue on. Have fun.... Dusty.

Anonymous said...

Every home should be CFNM Every male should be totally naked even when having company or when they are working in the yard even if it is the front yard. CFNM should be common place all over

Scott said...

This should be everyday norman Clothed Female Naked Male should be the way we all live